A compassion-filled experience in a Catena pharmacy

From Beiuş, in the north of the country, came to me beautiful story about care and soul, about kindness and empathy – the essence which must define the enterprise that I have created.

Thank you so much, my dear colleagues, men and women.

I have also received poems from patients and other wonderful letters. I have chosen this one – because it very well and warm-heartedly expresses the relationship we wish to have with the people in the communities we serve. I am aware of how difficult this year has been and wish to congratulate you from all my heart for continuing to look after patients and all those in need of your advice.

„I quietly entered the pharmacy, where patients were being served at the four counters. I was immediately spotted by my former student, Valentina Andru, a biological pharmacist in that unit. I got closer to her counter, she took an alarmed look at me, then told me I looked very pale, went out and brought me a chair to sit on and get my bearings. The weather outside was gloomy, with an overcast sky. Afterwards, together with a colleague of hers, measured my blood pressure, brought me a glass of water; some moments later I felt a little better. In the meantime, Valentina checked on me a few times, caresses my face and asked me with a gentle voice: <<Teacher, do you feel better?>>, after which she calculated my two prescriptions and asked if I needed anything else.

I sat on the chair for about 40 minutes, in which time I was able to observe the manner in which patients bringing along tenths of prescriptions were being assisted. I was pleasantly impressed by the expedience and promptness of the personnel, their patience and manner of taking to those who entered the pharmacy, the elderly in particular, who were met with kind and peaceful words they would understand, a series of explanations on how they should administer the medicines. Everything took place smoothly, without jittery events, in a disarmingly calm fashion. The entire pharmacy was shiny clean, and all the pharmacists wore the same pleasant-looking and starched white uniforms, with name tags on their chest. They truly were the light of your eyes. In fact, all citizens of Beiuş praise them.

Some time ago, I needed some pills for my medical condition. The next day I received a phone call at home with the request to go pick them up, as they had arrived from Oradea. In the end, I took my bag of medicines and headed out, but my dear Valentina ran after me outside in the street, where I had hopped on my bicycle, and offered to take me home with her car. Tears in my eyes, I thanked her and told her it was not necessary, as I was feeling better. On my way home, my soul was filled with gratitude by the fact that a former student of “Samuil Vulcan” College, whose teacher I was for merely four years, loves and cherishes me so much.

This is an opportunity for me to thank, form the bottom of my heart, the manager of Catena unit in Beiuş, young pharmacist Cristian Popa, who truly knew how to gather an exceptional staff able to do credit to the county and Beiuş depression. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, my dear Vali, to your manager and wonderful colleagues!”

Prof. Viorel Codreanu

Crișana Newspaper, 14.12.2015