ANCA VLAD – Place 4 in Top 50 most influential, edition 2014

President of Fildas Catena Group

Anca Vlad owns one of the most important businesses with an autochthon capital in Romania: Fildas Catena Group. In the year 2013, its net turnover grew by 15% reaching 350 million euros. Catena Group overpassed 500 units this year.

„For last year, I consider a great accomplishment the refunding of a signifiant part of the sindicalised bank loan, which thus arrived to a level of only 10% of the turnover”, says Anca Vlad. Aside the business, the entrepreneur mentions as a soul project the reopening of the art gallery Senso: „Since always my personal investment was knowledge, and the developing through culture brought me great satisfactions”, adds Anca Vlad.
